Two Educators Unite As One
Nnenma and Kalu (also known as Elizabeth and John, respectively) have devoted their lives to serving humanity through education. Together, they are breaking new grounds by pioneering innovative educational systems that aim to uplift people around the world. Their work spans from kindergarten to university levels, transforming the educational landscape at every stage.
For K-12 (kindergarten through secondary education), they are developing a new learning model that centers on the child, family, community, opportunities, and cultural heritage.
At the university level, Kalu is collaborating with a talented group of faculty, staff, and administrators to champion a tuition-free education that promotes ethics and humanity, inspired by the African philosophy of Ubuntu.
In lieu of wedding gifts, Nnenma and Kalu kindly request that friends, family, and well-wishers make donations to their educational cause through the Osiri University Foundation.